

Sephora VIB Sale April 2017 Haul

It’s the start of may and typically I ought to have my trash stash up but I’m a bit delayed as this weekend was spent celebrating my SO’s birthday. So here’s my Sephora VIB Sale haul instead. As I anticipated, I didn’t haul very much for the Sephora VIB sale this time around and pretty

Obsessed Canada order

I’d never heard of consumed Canada up until I was on the search to replace my nail Balsam by Trind (I mentioned it in my favourites lately post). I saw that it was offered not only (NPC) but likewise on (OC) – then I realized, OC is had by NPC! What made me choose to order

Helmikuu 2017 No-Buy-Low-Osta vastuuvelvollisuus

helmikuu on minulle ei osta kuukausi! Osoitin tammikuun vastuuvelvollisuutessani, että jos kaikki menee hyvin tässä kuussa, minulla ei olisi mitään näytettävä. No, helmikuu meni hyvin, mutta minulla on 3 asiaa näytettäväksi: En saanut mitään näistä kohteista itse, vannon! Ystäväni meni ja sai tämän minulle ystävänpäivänä. • Kehon kauppa kaakaota Hän oli kanssani, kun opimme, että

Japanese makeup Shopping: My Experiences

Today I’ll talk about a few of my observations as well as experiences in buying for makeup in Japan. ideally this will assist somebody available who may be taking a trip to Japan. Ensimmäinen asia. There are SO. MANY. BRANDS. It’s overwhelming! In an typical Canadian drugstore, there may be about 8 essential brands. In

Warm golden Lids With Bronzed liner Breakdown | Prioritizing rest | Eyeshadow ideas

starting a new book today! Heya! delighted Friday. Kuinka päiväsi sujuu? Mine has been quite great so far. Today I have the day off, my very first in ages, as well as I have a few hours to myself while Connor is in school, as well as I nearly don’t understand what do. I’ve been

Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 714

So…what is the Monday Poll? Erinomainen kysymys! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). 1. Sweet, salty or spicy? Sweet, always. 2.

Favourites Lately: end 2016

This is not my “best of” list for 2016 yet – it’s simply my final quarterly favourites for the year. I’ll be posting my full favourites list for 2016 in January!  Here’s what I’ve been enjoying from October to December: Remember that for 2 of the past 3 months, I was essentially in makeup jail doing